ETHWarsaw 2024

ETHWarsaw 2024

Pragmatic Guide to Verifiable Data
2024-09-05 , Vistula stage

Blockchain is nearing scalability and mass adoption, but it still lacks a compelling mainstream use case. Verifiable data has the potential to bridge Web2 and Web3, unlocking access to vast amounts of data currently siloed in centralized systems and enabling its use on-chain.

In this talk, we'll explore how to build smart contracts that leverage Web2 data, while addressing key privacy and security considerations. Discover how verifiable data can drive the next wave of blockchain innovation and how you can be a part of it.

Co-founder & CTO at vlayer

Co-organizer at zkWarsaw and Verifiable Summit.

👨‍💻 Created Waffle and useDapp
🏣 Funded & exited two companies

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