ETHWarsaw 2024

ETHWarsaw 2024

Generating halo2 zk-proofs in any user device
2024-09-05 , Beaver Workshop stage

ZK is crucial for privacy protocols, such as shielded asset pools. User must generate ZK-proofs on their device: data must stay in browser or mobile app

In this workshop we will learn how to use halo2 in JavaScript environment, which is a native execution environment for modern user apps.

halo2 is an open-source Rust framework for ZK, supported by Ethereum Foundation. It implements Plonk ZK-SNARK protocol, which is more advanced than Groth16, the current user app standard.

Workshop plan:
- Client-side proving vs server-side proving slides
- Coding session: generating halo2 proof in browser
- Discussion

ZK and blockchain developer in Aleph Zero. Always keen to learn and teach about privacy-preserving protocols and DeFi. Previously CS student and TradFi dev.