ETHWarsaw 2024

ETHWarsaw 2024

Harnessing Golem Network Compute Power with JavaScript / TypeScript
2024-09-05 , Sponsor stage

Wokshop mission

  • Provide a kick-start for the hackathon participants by fast-track onboarding them to the platform.
  • Educate participants of the workshop about Golem Network and the possibilities that it provides for developers while highlighting the limitations.

Workshop description

Duration: 2h = 120 min
Public: up to 30 people.

What will you learn

  • What SDK components are available for JS/TS developers
  • How to start your own requestor node
  • How to generate and run an example application
  • How to deploy and access your own application

Passionate Software Developer with Entrepreneur Mindset.
JS/TS Technical Lead for JS SDK Team @ Golem Factory