ETHWarsaw 2024

ETHWarsaw 2024

Catalyzing Innovation: The Power of Developer Communities
2024-09-05 , Vistula stage

Developer communities are central to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem. They are a major catalyst in promoting innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning. This presentation provides practicable Developer Relations strategies to strengthen developer community networks.

This talk aims to provide participants with the tools needed to drive innovation and contribute to the development of successful projects in their ecosystems.

Web2 FAANG Solutions Architect turned Web3 DevRel and Founder. In the last year alone, Bianca delivered workshops and talks at over 18 large events worldwide, including the USA, DE, NL, UK, ES, FR, PL, and CO.
Bianca loves interacting with different types of audiences and educating people about Web3 and Developer Relations.